Bar numbering

Unless otherwise specified, bars are numbered. This is a good means of finding errors provided that the MusicTEX user has put comments in his source text recording the (expected) bar number. However, this can look unpleasant for final outputs, since the habit is to number bars only each other five or ten bars. This is not a serious problem since the frequency of bar numbering is defined as:

normalshapemediumseries\def normalshapemediumseriesnormalshapemediumseries\freqbarno{ 1}

If you replace the normalshapemediumseries1 by normalshapemediumseries5, bar numbering will occur each other five bars. You can also inhibit any bar number printing by telling:

normalshapemediumseries\defnormalshapemediumseries\wbarno{ }

or, in a more clever way:

normalshapemediumseries\defnormalshapemediumseries\freqbarno{ 9999} .

The bar counter is also accessible, its name is normalshapemediumseriesnormalshapemediumseries\barno. This has nothing to do the the bar counting invoked by normalshapemediumseriesnormalshapemediumseries\autolines, so you can change it without any dramatic consequence.